“Yesterday is already a dream
and tomorrow only a vision,
but today, well lived, makes
every yesterday a dream of happiness
and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”
Sanskrit Observation
Gustavo Grodnitzky is in the final days of releasing his book on “Culture Trumps Everything:The Unexpected Truth About the Ways Environment Changes Biology, Psychology, and Behavior.” When speaking about how we view time he brings into perspective why the Buddhist practice of meditation is fundamental to the Mindfulness Revolution that is being experienced by so many in all venues of our lives.
Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old;
Rather seek what they sought
Below is a video of Philip Zimbardo’s thoughts on Time Perspective from his book The Time Paradox. A look at aspects of past, present and future.
Added to these aspects of time has been added the term “Holistic Expanded Present.” It is what Buddhist meditation has taught for 2600 years. The path is the practice of meditation.
The July edition of Shambhala Sun has a wonderful Guide to numerous types of meditation.
• The View: Why We Meditate, by Chögyam Trungpa
• Insight Meditation: Present, Open & Aware, by Emily Horn
• Walking: Meditation in Motion, by Brother Phap Hai
• Loving-Kindness: It Starts with You, by Josh Korda
• Zazen: Just Ordinary Mind, by Susan Murphy
• Koans: One with the Question, by Melissa Myozen Blacker
• Tonglen: In with the Bad, Out with the Good, by Ethan Nichtern
• The Middle Way: Investigating Reality, by Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel
• Mahamudra: Look Directly at the Knower, by Andy Karr
• Visualization: Developing Pure Perception, by Anyen Rinpoche & Allison Choying Zangmo
• Dzogchen: The Sky of Wisdom, by Tsoknyi Rinpoche
To better understand your own Time Perspective you can take a free Time Perspective Assessment you can go to The Time Paradox Survey.