Mindfulness can help prevent depression

Mindfulness has its critics. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, or MBCT was first developed by  Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn from the University of Massachusetts Medical School. MBCT has been embraced by hundreds of thousands of people around the world, but some people are unconvinced. However, a new study published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry found that MBCT can help [...]

By |2024-08-26T12:37:52+01:00August 26th, 2024|Jon Kabit-Zinn, Meditation, Mental Health, Mindfulness|0 Comments

Can stress cause psychosis?

Sometimes a stressful day can make you feel like you are going crazy. Maybe you’re not wrong to feel that way… The hormone cortisol is released in response to stress, and researchers at James Cook University in Australia have found a link between levels of cortisol and psychosis. Zoltan Sarnyai, an associate professor at JCU, [...]

By |2024-08-26T12:37:52+01:00August 26th, 2024|Mental Health, Stress Reduction|0 Comments

Drop the beat… neuroscience style

Most people enjoy music. Maybe we don’t all like the same kinds of tunes, but whether your prefer classical or country, RnB or rock, neuroscience research suggests that the part of the brain associated with highs from sex, drugs and (my weakness) chocolate also generates our pleasurable response to melodies and harmonies. This is the nucleus accumbens, [...]

By |2024-08-26T12:37:51+01:00August 26th, 2024|Mental Health, Research|0 Comments
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