About Anne Sexton

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So far Anne Sexton has created 15 blog entries.

Mindfulness can help prevent depression

Mindfulness has its critics. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, or MBCT was first developed by  Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn from the University of Massachusetts Medical School. MBCT has been embraced by hundreds of thousands of people around the world, but some people are unconvinced. However, a new study published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry found that MBCT can help [...]

By |2024-08-26T12:37:52+01:00August 26th, 2024|Jon Kabit-Zinn, Meditation, Mental Health, Mindfulness|0 Comments

My brain made me do it! How neuroscience is used in the US justice system

For a number of years, scientists have studied brain and genetic abnormalities alongside crime. This work has produced some exciting findings, and some which have been used to argue for leniency in the justice system. We now know that certain genetic variations, such as monoamine oxidase, are linked to violent behaviour. The question is can [...]

By |2024-08-26T12:37:52+01:00August 26th, 2024|Crime and Criminal Justice, Research|0 Comments

“I’ll do it later…” Why we procrastinate

If you have a tendency to put things off, you’re not alone. It has been estimated that around 20 percent of adults procrastinate, and around half of all students do. Unfortunately procrastination has negative effects. These include poorer performance and increased stress, as well as mental and physical health impacts. People procrastinate for different reasons. [...]

By |2024-08-26T12:37:52+01:00August 26th, 2024|Psychology|0 Comments

Why businesses use mindfulness meditation

Over the last few years, more and more businesses have taught mindfulness meditation to their employees, or encouraged their workers to learn how to incorporate the practice into their daily routine. You might think that any business that uses mindfulness is probably some kind of hippy-dippy fly-by-night selling knitted yoghurt and handwoven cheese! You’d be [...]

By |2024-08-26T12:37:52+01:00August 26th, 2024|Meditation, Mindful Leadership, Mindfulness|0 Comments

Can neuroscience tell how you’ll vote?

An Irish election has just past, and an American election is looming, but have you ever considered how exactly you decide who to vote for? Now, presumably you’ll say that you vote for a candidate based on his or her platform, promises, political party affiliation and other such rational criteria. However that is not the whole [...]

By |2024-08-26T12:37:52+01:00August 26th, 2024|Decision Making|0 Comments

The neuroscience of conflict

Is conflict frequent in your life? Imagine this scenario: You are driving to work and your car stalls at the red light. Behind you impatient drivers start honking. How do you feel? Here’s another one: You’re giving a presentation at work, and Joe from accounts disputes your figures. You’ve gone over them carefully, but he’s [...]

By |2024-08-26T12:37:52+01:00August 26th, 2024|Conflict|0 Comments

Exploring the neuroscience of mindfulness

Are you a religious person? Perhaps you attend mass every week and pray daily. Maybe you prefer the term “spiritual” because you believe in a higher power, but you’re not an adherent of any particular religion. Then again, you could be someone who has lost their faith — or someone who never had any to [...]

By |2024-08-26T12:37:52+01:00August 26th, 2024|Mindfulness|0 Comments

Can stress cause psychosis?

Sometimes a stressful day can make you feel like you are going crazy. Maybe you’re not wrong to feel that way… The hormone cortisol is released in response to stress, and researchers at James Cook University in Australia have found a link between levels of cortisol and psychosis. Zoltan Sarnyai, an associate professor at JCU, [...]

By |2024-08-26T12:37:52+01:00August 26th, 2024|Mental Health, Stress Reduction|0 Comments

How can mindfulness meditation make you a better leader?

A leader needs clear thinking, and mindfulness can help you achieve that. It's a tool, and a smart leader doesn't leave a useful tool in the box. Some people have the idea that mindfulness meditation is simply about emptying your mind. And if you are someone who is attached to the image of yourself as a thinker, [...]

By |2024-08-26T12:37:52+01:00August 26th, 2024|Jon Kabit-Zinn, Meditation, Mindful Leadership|0 Comments
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